We have the solutions to the most difficult questions you face everyday with your business!
Time is money. Every moment spent on mundane tasks, such as day-to-day details of case management, is a moment that could have been dedicated to relationship-building or sales development. Let us cut back on inefficiency created by your practice’s caseload with our tier-one new business tracking and advisor support services.
We answer the phone every time you call!
Our GPS New Business tracking system gets your policies issued and you paid FAST, so you can spend more time with clients and less time worrying. By working with us and placing your business through SMR and our trusted carriers, we will help you eliminate the competition and create referrals that will last a lifetime. We are NOT owned or operated by any insurance company.
This allows us to provide unbiased advice from any of the 30+ carriers that we represent. With 70+ years of combined experience and expertise, we possess a wealth of knowledge and the creative minds to help you, not just grow your business, but transform your business into a turnkey prospecting machine.
15 Steps to Getting You Paid With A Smile:
Application Arrives Via Mail or Fax
- Application is Reviewed
- Application is Mailed or Agent Provides SMR with a Tracking Number to Follow
- Arrival Verification
- Validate When Transfer was Sent
- Transfer Arrival Confirmation
- Transfer Processing Verification
- Continuous Transfer Follow-Up
- Transfer Money Has Been Sent
- Verify Money Has Arrived
- Policy is Issued, Commissions are Released
- Agent Receives Policy, Commissions Received
- Fax Delivery Receipt
- SMR Receives Delivery Receipt, Faxes to Company
- Verify Delivery Receipt Has Been Received
Are you ready for more efficient case management and first-class advisor support? Call us at (800) 790-7791 to discuss your current cases and how you can grow your practice with our business-building solutions.